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Welcome, Friend!


Thank you so much for stopping by! 


I have taken these ‘strange’ times of self-isolation to get out of my comfort zone, and up-level myself. And the result is this long-awaited blog, I for ages kept talking about!


It took me a good while and lots of frustration. I had to overcome myself and my fears of ‘what if’ (I don’t know enough; I don’t have the skills; I am not a copywriter…), but perseverance and willingness to act as ‘grown-up’ (I did set a goal and have taken a massive action until I’ve reached the desired result, no matter the obstacles) brought me to the finish line (or rather a new start line?)


The following teaching from Steven Pressfield sums it up very well and had influenced me greatly:

“When you are pro, you are facing your demons. It’s messy. It’s scary. Becoming pro means growing up.

The difference between an amateur and a pro is in their habits. A professional has professional habits.”


~ Steven Pressfield


I often had to fight with my mindset and time management, but I’m happy to say, I’ve won the fight!


Well, perhaps with plenty of imperfections, but I did it! I built my website from scratch. Was it easy? Hell no! Was it worth it? Oh YES! In the process, I did overcome my deepest fears and willingness to fail over and over again, until I succeeded! Still plenty of improvements ahead of me, however, now, now nothing can stop me!


I know for some this doesn’t mean anything groundbreaking, but it truly means a lot to me. If someone said a year ago I will build my website myself, I would have a very good laugh, and my answer would be: “Yeah, right!”


What I would say to younger myself now? “Why didn’t you do it ages ago?!?



This blog is dedicated to sharing my knowledge about how to become your healthiest, happiest, and most confident you! 


Mental health awareness is everywhere around – it is an extremely important thing, without it, you are not going to be able to create the life of your dreams, however, we have to take into consideration the body & mind connection. If we don’t supply the right nutrients to our body, how can our brain deal with everyday stress and decisions that serve us the best?


Today, there is so much confusion and lots of misleading information on what on earth shall one eat, when in reality, it is truly simple. Eat what your body needs! Most of us, however, got completely disconnected from ourselves. We no longer listen to our bodies, but rather to countless experts, where everyone preaches something different. 


In reality, we have to take a step back. Back in time, when there were no supermarkets, rather small independent shops; no junk food, rather whole foods; no toxic soups of chemicals, which we are exposed daily not only in the foods we eat but also in our personal hygiene products. Multicorporations has taken over small businesses, and as a result, we suffer – we have everything rather fast, thanks to technologies, but, for what price?


Street Market in Thailand


We live in toxic overload. Chemicals are everywhere. 

Did you know that average woman applies over 500 different chemicals on her skin each day, as a part of the beauty and personal hygiene regimes?😱


Toxins are hidden everywhere around us, from the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, to the containers we store our food and drinks in, to the chemical-filled products we apply on our bodies and clean our homes with, to the extreme amounts of stress we face on a daily basis, candles we burn indoors, etc., all these things contribute to the toxin overload.


I am a huge believer in “Food Is Information”.

The very foods you choose to eat are changing the genetic expression. With this idea, now, more than ever it is important to understand that the food choices we have today are causing genetic expression that leads to disease. Instruct your genes wisely.


~ David Perlmutter, MD

The same way you can choose your thoughts, you should make an effort to also choose your food wisely – what you feed our body with, is what your cells are made of.

The food is a crucial component for not only looking and feeling healthy but what you eat and drink also affect our mood and thinking. 



Some foods offer higher energy than others. Think about it this way: when you eat fresh whole foods that radiate with energy, your body has great ‘information’ to work with. There is rarely inflammation (it might occasionally still occur when we are highly sensitive to certain types of foods, but we can eliminate those foods and bring the body to a complete state of harmony).


When you eat fast-food, highly processed food, fried food, etc. – the live enzymes (information to your cells) in the food are completely destroyed. As a result, there is no life, and vibration that can be sent to your cells, to form the tissues etc. your body is made of.


I, by all means, want to emphasise the importance of healing the body as a whole – we are after all connected – Body&Mind, but we have to remember, that food is truly a crucial component of healing. If we eat junk, our brain doesn’t have much of a healthy and strong material to be built of – food affects your mood.




We have to realise the food is here to NOURISH US, not to make us feel bad, sad, overweight, depressed…


I offer to share with you the simplified, easy to digest knowledge (I understand nor everyone has plenty of time to read long articles and listen to 2 hours long podcasts!).


My goal is to empower you on your journey to adopt a healthier lifestyle, so you can become a Better You 2.0.


Everyone deserves to live a healthy life, and this often starts with a healthy mindset. However, we now know, our entire body is made of cells, that take the building materials from the food we eat. Our brain needs healthy food, in order to make healthy decisions. When we look back thousands of years ago, people knew what to eat intuitively. We forgot how to listen to our bodies. There is an epidemy of disease and the only solution is to get back to our roots, back to the basic, and re-connect.  




Let me guide you on this wonderful journey, and hold you accountable. 


Whenever you feel you need guidance on where to even start, please, reach out, I am here for you.


Keep Shining!  

With Love, Kristina




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about the blog

KRISTINA JATIOVA COACHING is a blog designed for you to successfully implement healthy daily habits to leave you happier and emotionally and physically healthier. One step at the time. Healthy body = Healthy Mind.