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5 Self-improvement ideas that will change your life


Have you ever asked yourself a question: why do we need to keep growing? 


Self-growth is a process of evolving from the inside out. 


Personal growth is an important part of a person’s growth, maturity, success and happiness.

There are many techniques to help you grow yourself, including creative visualization, repetitive speech, developing a positive mindset, and meditation. Personal development also includes counselling, coaching, and reading. (source)


“Most people think happiness is a by-product of their circumstances, beyond their control, but truly happy people don’t react to the world; they create it with a mindset that automatically seeks out the most positive interpretations, opportunities, and experiences. Moment to moment, the choice is always yours: Which would you rather experience?”


—Dan Sullivan


If you have landed here, I know you do have the underlying desire to be something bigger/better/more in your life. Yet, you might be sabotaging yourself by ‘I don’t know what to do”, and indulging in comforting activities, and in so-called false pleasures (overeating, overdrinking, overworking, or really any ‘overing’). Realise deeply within yourself that these habits do not serve you in the long run, the pleasure they provide is only temporary. 

5 Self-growth ideas that will change your life forever

Many of us feel that there is more to life than what currently is. Often, we might feel trapped in the vicious circle of our willingness to change and progress/grow, and we find it impossible to move through the next step. With all the never-ending amount of the self-growth and self-development resources out there, it might be difficult to choose what’s the best step forward. In this article, it is my deep desire to help you out on the self-growth journey by sharing with you a few of the main resources that helped me on my personal self-improvement path.

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are, you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. 


 Jim Rohn


I remember the day when the self-improvement concept ‘hit me’. Even though I didn’t know where to start, I continued searching for the answers. I was certain that one thing definitely had to change immediately – and that was my mindset. Changing the way you think it’s not an overnight process, and it requires a true commitment. 


There might come days when you ‘don’t feel’ like doing anything for your personal growth, but I urge you to deliberately choose to do, what has to be done. Do it with an intention, do it from a place of abundance, for the future self. 


“The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind.”


~ William James 


What’s the contribution you want to bring to the world?


You are unique. There is no-one who has been gifted with the same ‘special package’ in this world. Ask yourself what’s the contribution you want to bring to the world? When your ‘WHY?’ is big enough, you will automatically feel the push to overcome your own brain and your emotional life. You will keep going despite the obstacles. And you will know you are on the right path because it will be hard. Please, know that’s ok, it supposes to be that way. To change our old habits is never an easy task. All you do is keep going.


Our feelings and emotions are the product of our past experiences, however, they don’t define you. You can change your thoughts, hence you can also change how the past experience makes you feel. And based on that, you can change the action you take towards your goal.


Below you will find the fundamental self-growth and self-improvement resources that have changed my life. I feel forever grateful I have come across these resources. I trust they will change your life too. 


1. Joe Dispenza


Joe Dispenza, D.C., is a renowned author, speaker, researcher and chiropractor, who combines the rules of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology and genetics, to show you what is truly possible.

In his revolutionary book ‘Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself,’ you will be given not only the necessary knowledge to change any aspect of yourself, but you will also be taught the step-by-step tools to apply what you learn in order to make measurable changes in any area of your life.

The official website: Joe Dispenza

Download the FREE version of the epic book Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself or listen to it in the audible version.

You can also purchase the book at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk.

You Have A Choice 


“The only way we can change our lives is to change our energy — to change the electromagnetic field we are constantly broadcasting. In other words, to change our state of being, we have to change how we think and how we feel.”


~ Joe Dispenza


2. Bruce Lipton 


Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. His extraordinary book ‘Biology of Belief’ will forever change how you think about your own thinking. Dr. Lipton is one of the most knowledgeable voices of a new biology science called ‘epigenetics’.


The official website: Bruce Lipton 

Summary of the book Biology of Belief in audible version. (20 minutes)

Listen to the FREE audible version here. 

Buy the book on amazon.co.uk and amazon.com. 


The Most Eye-opening 6 Minutes Of Your Life

Listen To This Every Day

“Your perspective is always limited by how much you know. Expand your knowledge and you will transform your mind.”


~ Dr. Bruce Lipton


3. The Impact Theory


Impact Theory is a weekly interview show that explores the mindsets of the world’s highest achievers to learn their secrets to success. Hosted by Quest Nutrition co-founder Tom BilyeuImpact Theory is designed to give people the tools and knowledge they need to unlock their potential and impact the world.

Official website: Impact Theory

Learn the tools, techniques, and tactics to take control and reframe your mind and gain the personal and business skillsets, that will allow you to finally succeed in life, and live the life you have always wanted at the Impact Theory University.

Find the Impact Theory on Youtube. 


Personally, I have watched so many of the episodes! Literally, like a sponge, I was absorbing as much as I could, but I had a limited time, and there were still so many to watch! So my little tip is to adjust the video speed to 1.25, or 1.5. 


It’s about identity. Be the kind of person that gets things done. Even when it’s hard.”


~ Tom Bilyeu


4. The Life Coach School


The Life Coach School founded by a true legend Brooke Castillo, is, what makes my mornings. The podcast episodes are short enough to listen to them whilst you are getting ready for work, or during the commute, either way, once I’ve started to listen to them, I simply can not stop. Often, I listen to some of the episodes over and over. Life-changing experience – however, please, remember, you have to take action towards anything you want to change in your life. A massive action. The best practice would be to listen to the first 10 – 15 podcast episodes to grasp and understand the idea of the MODEL.

Official website: The Life Coach School 

Podcast: The Life Coach School Podcast 

Access the podcast on your favourite podcast app or on youtube.


The Universal Truth

There is a universal truth that has been explored and proved by many: 

  • You can’t change what has happened in the past. Let’s call it a circumstance. A circumstance is always neutral.
  • The events in the past/circumstances trigger your thoughts. (You might think what has happened in the past is good, or bad, or right, or wrong…)
  • What you think about the past event/your thoughts cause your feelings/emotions. 
  • Based on how you feel, you will then take further action. Your feelings trigger/cause your action.
  • The result of your action will always be evidence for your original thoughts.


Love, love, love it! This concept described above is greatly focused on, and discussed over and over at The Life Coach School and I can highly recommend this valuable resource for self-growth and personal development.

You can listen to The Life Coach School podcast on various platforms. The concept above is called MODEL, and when you practice it over and over, it will not only blow your own mind, but it will help you to change your point of view and make your life better. 


Your Life Is As Good As Your Mindset

“Self-growth takes you deeper within yourself before it shows on the outside.”

“Don’t ever wait for the change outside of you, it is the inside, your thoughts and willingness to get uncomfortable, that will determine a different result.”


~ Brooke Castillo 


5. Mindvalley


Mindvalley was found in 2003. It is a revolutionary platform, that is on the mission to unite the world by teaching wisdom and transformational ideas that our education system ignores. It focuses on things that matter in everyone’s life – personal growth, wellbeing, spirituality, productivity and mindfulness. The way they do it is by bringing in the latest cutting edge techniques, the best teachers, and a powerful learning platform that is the best of its kind in the world.

Thorugh their education platforms, online academies, mobile apps and digital and live events, you will get access to an alternative curriculum that empowers you to kickstart your personal growth and lead an extraordinary life.

Mindvalley was found by Vishen Lakhiani, the speaker and author of ‘The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind’  – 10 unconventional laws to redefine your life and succeed on your own terms. Vishen is one of the most influential personalities in personal growth today. Lakhiani’s mission is to raise human consciousness and revolutionize the global education system through new models for enhancing human potential and building a school for Humanity 2.0.

Official website: Mindvalley

Find Mindvalley on YouTube

Get The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind on amazon.com and amazon.co.uk. 

Get the FREE audio summary of the book here. 

One of the excellent products of Mindvalley is Omvana – a leading app that brings meditation to masses. Believing that the meditation is the ultimate life-hack, Omvana was created for people all over the world have access to meditation right at their fingertips. Why don’t you download the app and try the FREE 6-Phase Meditation guided by Vishen himself!

I also must mention the festival taking place every year in paradise locations around the world – A-fest. At this one of a kind festival, you can look forward to receiving powerful training, profound mind shifts, bio-hacking techniques, deep and lifelong connections, incredible adventures and unique opportunities to multiply your impact and expand your game. 4 days of accelerated growth, bringing together a Global Tribe of Brilliant Minds that Come Together Like Family.



“Science has shown that gratitude has the single largest correlation with human well-being than any other character trait.”

“What if we accepted that things will go wrong – but that this is simply part of life’s beautiful unfolding and that even the biggest failures can have within them the seeds of growth and possibility?”


~ Vishen Lakhiani


Remember, there is nothing the world has for you rather than the opportunity to share, to give, to create, to offer the value, to radiate, to activate your potential!

You are here to be extraordinary! You only have to decide.


“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” Tony Robbins


Your brain is the most valuable asset. There is nothing more important than your brain.

Decide on the purpose to change the habits that no longer serve you.


Explore, learn new skills, keep moving forward, reach for the sky!


You are the sky! Everything else is just the weather.


You deserve the best life ever.


Take the opportunity.




“There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking.” – Brian Tracy


Let me know what other resources do you use for your personal self-growth and daily self-improvement in the comments.



Keep shining!







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KRISTINA JATIOVA COACHING is a blog designed for you to successfully implement healthy daily habits to leave you happier and emotionally and physically healthier. One step at the time. Healthy body = Healthy Mind.