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How Do You Make Your Brain Healthy?


YOU ARE what you think.


Based on the decisions you made until now, you can evaluate where are you at in your life at this point.


Have you ever thought what your brain means to you?

Your brain is always on. It takes care of the thoughts you think, movement, breathing, heartbeat, your senses – it works 24/7.

Your brain is THE MOST VALUABLE ASSET you have.

It makes decisions.

Every. Single. Day.


brain health



Be aware of your thoughts. I know, easier said than done. However, I urge you to start paying attention to what you think, as well as to how you react to certain triggers. You are the only one who can control your brain.


I get it, sometimes there might come circumstances when you feel like yelling, being upset, sad or having negative self-talk, however, in those exact moments you can stop, and deliberately choose to react in a different way. You can not change what happened, so why not to choose to think different thoughts on purpose. You have to teach your brain to break the habit that has been repeating over and over for years.


The only way to do so is to think differently on the purpose. This is definitely a process, but, dear friends, it’s worth every penny. You have to learn the new habits, and then practice them over and over, until you create new neuropathways in your brain. Once you practice enough times, the new thoughts will automatically overwrite the old ones, and you will be in a better place. It’s like learning how to ride a bicycle. At first try, it just doesn’t work. You practice and keep repeating the process until you master it. And then one day, you simply hop on the bicycle and ride without even thinking about it!




Whatever you think in the moment about any given circumstance creates how you feel about it, and the feeling then causes what you do or don’t do about it. That’s the universal law. If you think you are not smart enough to get what you desire, you might feel discouraged, or perhaps depressed, and that feeling will cause you to reach out for some kind of ‘temporary’ numbing pleasures (like unhealthy food, alcohol, drugs…), and watch TV instead of figuring out how to learn new skills.


Let me say that again, your brain is the most valuable asset you have.

If your brain is the most valuable asset, you should treat it as such.




How To Make Your Brain Healthy?




Reconsider all that sugar, flour, junk food, alcohol, drugs, endless hours in front of the TV, and all those temporary pleasure distractions that don’t serve you in the long run.

All of the above feels good in the moment, but taking care of your brain and body feels good forever.

Make smart Investments in your mind.


tips how to make your brain healthy





Learn something new often – a new skill, a new hobby – and keep practising. Your brain is a muscle. Whatever you repeatedly ‘train’ and ‘feed’ it with, is what’s becoming good at. Learning and practising a new skill reinvigorates the neurons in your brain and increases the density of the white matter which helps with performing the tasks and prevent from dementia at an older age.


RELATED POST: 5 Self-improvement Ideas That Will Change Your Life




Move your body daily – engaging in physical activity is what we were born to do. Set a non-negotiable limit of your daily movement. Whether that’s a 15 minutes walk, 10 minutes yoga, stretching, running, squatting, push-ups – whatever is yours, just do it. Do not let your brain to talk you out of it. Your brain likes comfort and loves to do repeatedly what has always done. Change it with purpose in your mind. When you commit to doing your daily task of a minimum movement, you will be happy you did, and proud to hold yourself accountable. Your self-awareness and self-love will grow, together with your self-esteem. And from that point, you will keep doing more.




Socialise with others – even if it’s virtual. We thrive on social interaction and human connection. It is important to stay connected, especially during tough times.


It’s almost tragic to observe how many of us are “connected” on social media, yet we are completely disconnected in real life, what leaves us feeling lonely and often depressed.


Reach out to that friend you haven’t spoken for ages, and ask them how are they really doing? How do they feel? Relationships are one of the ‘primary’ foods, and they have to be nourished – we all want the same after all – to have someone to love, and to be loved…

Healthy Relationships = Healthy Brain





Human life can be sustained for about a month without food. Only a few days without the water.


Your brain is about 75% water. When your brain is functioning on a full reserve of water, you will be able to think faster, be more focused, and experience greater clarity and creativity. Water is also essential for delivering nutrients to the brain and for removing toxins. When the brain is fully hydrated, the exchange of nutrients and toxins will be more efficient—thus ensuring better concentration and mental alertness.


Research shows that as little as 1% dehydration negatively affects your mood, attention, memory and motor coordination. When brain tissue fluid decreases with dehydration, the brain volume shrinks and temporarily affecting cell function.


Everyone knows water is important for health, however, sadly, we often ignore this vital fluid. It is not only the amount of water we consume but also the quality.

Sufficient Hydration = Healthy Brain.




  • Look for a quality water-purifier.
  • If you are looking for an inexpensive option, then go for a water filter like Brita. Brita uses carbon to absorb impurities and contaminants. Better something than nothing. Find Brita water jug here. 
  • Get a reusable water bottle you can always carry with you – Ethical Superstore (UK) has a few great options. Bottles are plastic-free and sustainable. Good for you and good for the environment. Win-win! Check them out here.
  • Look into Charcoal Water Filter. The Binchotan Charcoal water filter is made from sustainably sourced wood and is renowned for its ability to soften water, add good minerals and absorb unwanted tastes and odours such as chlorine. Simply add it into your water bottle and call it a day! One filter will last up to 6 months and during that time can be boiled to recharge if you notice a decline in taste. you can get it here. The Binchotan filter has many uses at the end of its life as a water filter too, you can break it up and add it to house plants to add nutrients to the soil. It can also be used as a deodoriser to remove unwanted odours in cat litter, a laundry basket, nappy bin or shoes. It is also an excellent wardrobe dehumidifier. Get it here. 
  • Another fantastic option is Shungite water stones. Shungite stone is a natural material which has a great ability to cleanse your water and even saturate it with healthsome elements. Springs and lakes near the sources of shungite are known to have had very pure water for centuries and are considered sites of healing.


I don’t think it’s clear any more what is and isn’t safe to drink, and the Binchotan charcoal water filter or shungite are a brilliant way of purifying water in your own home.




A healthy brain requires good sleep. So many of us neglect a good night sleep. Our brain works even whilst we sleep. Sleep helps with processing memories, helps your brain clear out harmful toxins, regulate your appetite, helps you make sense of new information, and even helps your brain to think more creatively. How much sleep you need is very individual, but most people do well with anywhere between 7-9 hours to perform at their best.

Sufficient Sleep = Healthier Brain


Make your sleep a priority. Stick to a sleep schedule – try to go to bed at the same time every day and wake up at the same every day. Practice a bedtime ritual. Eliminate blue light from TV and screens at least an hour before you go to bed. The blue light interferes with the production of melatonin – a brain chemical that regulates sleep. Try to take a warm bath at least once a week. Add some Epsom salts and a few drops of essential oil. I love using combo of Levander & Clary Sage OR Levander and Cedarwood essential oils. (4 drops of each) or a relaxing bath.

How to make a relaxing bath recipe:


  • 1/2 cup Epsom salts (you can get them here)
  • 2 Tablespoons sweet almond oil or coconut oil (I get my oils from Wild As The Wind (find here) shop, as they are of superior quality, and I love to support small local businesses, so it works well for me).
  • 4 drops of Levander and 4 drops of Clary Sage essential oil (you can also use a single oil – 8 drops of Levander essential oil)


I am also a huge fan of Neal’s Yard’s Remedies products (and have quite a few of them at home) – for the relaxing bath, you should try the Levander Bath Salts (find here) or Seaweed and Arnica Bath Salts (find here). 

Both are beautifully scented and just what you need after a stressful day.


A wonderful addition to unwind after a long day is also burning incense or invest in an aromatherapy lamp. Levander essential oil, as well as sandalwood, chamomile, clary sage, bergamot, are great for helping the body to unwind and relax. Make sure you purchase only high-quality essential oils, as many oils out there are diluted, and sometimes loaded with chemicals. Great high-quality brands I tried, trust and can highly recommend are again The Wild As The Wind (UK and Europe), Neal’s Yard Remedies (UK and US) and doTerra (US).


RELATED ARTICLE: 18 Powerful Mindfulness Quotes To Inspire You




Slow down, and pay attention to your breath. Take a deep breath. And again. Most of the population practice shallow breathing. And there are no wonders – we are constantly under the pressure – let it be stress from commuting, work, family…you name it. Deep breathing can improve your attention span and help you focus better.


One very effective technique is so-called ‘box breathing’. Try to sit comfortably, close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Feel your heartbeat. Inhale through your nose for 3 seconds, hold the breath for 3 seconds, exhale through your mouth for 3 seconds, and naturally hold for 3 seconds. Repeat this 3 to 4 times. Observe how you feel. Box breathing is a very powerful tool that can help to release the stress, helps with anxiety, depression, and more.

Correct Breathing = Healthy Brain




What you feed your body with, it’s your body is made out of. Period. Fresh whole foods nourish your body, junk foods poison it. What do you choose? I can go about healthy foods habits 24/7. You do know it is important to eat healthy because the food you eat directly affects the structure and function of your brain. That’s why it is vitally important to supply the brain with the right fuel. What you eat not only it impacts how you look, but more importantly, it has a tremendous impact on your thinking, your mood and decisions you make.

Healthy food = Healthy Brain.


Too much of low-quality fuel like sugar and processed foods directly correlate with your brain function. Choose wisely.  Choose the foods that nourish you in the long run. Give up the temporary pleasures (sugar, junk food, alcohol…).


Start paying attention to how the foods you eat make you feel. Not just in the moment when you eat them, but the very next day. Try to eat clean (no sugar, no processed foods) for 2 weeks, and see how you feel. Then start incorporating the ‘wrong’ foods slowly back into your diet, and see, how they make you feel. You will be surprised, when you eat clean, how much better you will feel not only physically, but also mentally. Make an experiment. I promise you, it’s worth it.




Do something different/new today, even if it sounds scary, or impossible.

Everything sound impossible until it’s done.

Take your power back now, and change your current situation.


You can do anything.

You can have the life you desire.


Stop thinking, and start doing.

One step at the time.

Action is what counts.

Take massive action towards your goals and dreams.


You can do it.



Clear the junk out of your body and mind.


Get healthy foods into your body. 


Feed your brain with healthy thoughts.


Healthy Food = Healthy Mind.




Keep Shining ❤️








10 Small Lifestyle Changes For Healthier & Happier Life

9 Everyday Habits To Heal Your Gut Naturally 

5 Self-improvement Ideas That Will Change Your Life

13 Simple Ways To Start Eating Healthy Today

Food Is Information For Your Cells



Get the PRODUCTS mentioned in the article: 

Brita Water Jug 

Reusable Water Bottle 

Charcoal Water Filter

Epsom Bath Salt

Levander Bath Salts 

Seaweed and Arnica Bath Salts

Essential Oils 



Ethical Superstore

Wild As The Wind 

Neal’s Yard Remedies



Please note this post contains affiliate links, which means, if you decide to purchase anything, I receive a small commission at absolutely no cost to you.






This article is for informational purposes and should not replace advice from your doctor or other medical professionals.




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KRISTINA JATIOVA COACHING is a blog designed for you to successfully implement healthy daily habits to leave you happier and emotionally and physically healthier. One step at the time. Healthy body = Healthy Mind.